Can Christians Listen to Music with Curse Words?

Today’s article is rather generally about the Christian lifestyle, there’s no aspect of the question “Can Christians listen to music with curse words” that can be applied to a marriage or a relationship. But wait… actually, it has a lot to do with any relationship. What, how, why? You’re asking what music I listen to has to do with my spouse/date.

Well, a lot. This article will be controversial, but at the same time, it is going to unfold the truth that is often taboo. Especially in today’s society where the freedom to do whatever you want is the primary law.

Yet, the fact itself that you’ve found yourself reading this article means you want to know the answer. And you are ready to improve your music taste 😉 BUT I will not shame you or push you to do anything in this article. I want to talk like a friend to a friend, share my perspective, and eventually let you choose for yourself.

We will wonder together and try to answer the question – Can Christians listen to music with curse words?

And we’re going to do it all, as usual, drinking virtual tea, so the tension of this controversial topic is at least a little bit smaller. So chill out, grab a cup of your favorite tea (mine is Earl Grey with lemon), and let’s chat, shall we?

The Importance of Music

It’s not that the music is the essence of life, you know. I mean, it can be for many, but one can survive without that. But the reason why we, Christians, should be careful with what kind of music we listen to is the fact that we most probably listen to it… well, every day or so.

One might deny it, but if we surround ourselves with something that often, it should not be taken lightly. Because it has access to your life practically every day. So if we listen to whatever kind of music, we’re being irresponsible and naive. Do you agree with me at this point, my dear reader? Let’s make a toast with our cups of tea if you do *cling cling*.

Music is important and by no means the answer to “Can Christians listen to music with curse words” is “Yup, listen to whatever”.

I’m thinking that if the Gospel is true (and we know it is) then it should affect absolutely every sphere of our lives. Because if it doesn’t, it’s not a life-saving good news that completely makes a revolution (and we know IT IS).

So yeah, people should always be careful with what they listen to to guard their hearts. But, how can music even influence us, or our faith? Let’s look at it together.

can Christians listen to music with curse words, a girl wearing yellow beret, green and pink blouse and green pants, sitting in front of a pink piano, looking into the camera

Can Christians Listen to Music with Curse Words? The Influence of Music on Christians

Basically, music influences everybody, not just believers. But since we live according to heavenly standards, the thing looks more stern with us. Not that we’re being limited. Because we want to be more like Jesus and have in life no less than He offers.

Because every time you agree for less, go astray from His perfect design, eventually it turns against you. And sooner or later you figure out Jesus did not mean to “trap you” but rather protect you… He cares about us and if He says something, it’s always out of love.

Does the Bible say anything about music Christians should and should not listen to?

1 Corinthians 6:12 says: All things are lawful to me, but all things do not profit; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

Aha, first tip. One could say that it means believers c a n listen to songs with bad words. “Can” is the wrong word here. You can, of course, but there are consequences. Because such music, my dear reader, for sure does not profit.

It Does Not Harm Anyone Though…

So does watching porn, gossiping, smoking, getting drunk… well, yes, it harms you. And it changes your perception so yeah, long-term it harms others too. Music is just like drinking. Positive songs are like water that strengthens your body and gives it energy. Worship music is like a healthy, freshly squeezed juice that not only hydrates you but also gives you some vitamins. And the music with curse words is like alcohol – the more you absorb it, the more crooked everything around you seems and the more probable you are to do something stupid.

I know it might seem impossible – how a song can do that much damage? Maybe one song will not. But if it will become your daily playlist, then oh man…

But let’s talk about specifics, my dear reader. The meat of the article. Or biscuit, it will go better with our tea. 🙂

Can Christians Listen to Music with Curse Words According to the Bible?

There isn’t a passage that tells us directly “No Travis Scott or you’ll end up in hell” but as always, it gives a few advice that can be used in this context. For example:

1 Timothy 2:16: But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness.

Ha, that’s interesting. Because what wordly music is, essentially? Irrelevant babble! It talks about drugs, prostitutes, money, and fancy cars. These are not things any Christians should aim at. So why ignite the spark of these worldly desires in our minds? Of course, if I was listening to a song that keeps on repeating *trying to rap clumsily* “Oh yeah, this life is a coco-jumbo. All I need is a new Lambo”, then of course sooner or later I would actually start wanting a Lamborgini. Or worse, start judging people by the car they own.

I’m not saying you only need to listen to John Piper’s Sermon Jam for the rest of your life. Many kinds of music do not use curse words, or despite being made by unbelievers, have a good message. Or resonate with our hearts at some level. But can Christians listen to music with curse words? I would say, not really.

can Christians listen to music with curse words - a brown guitar lying on a brown sofa, a pillow next to it

How Careful Should I Be with the Music I Listen to?

Well, let me be honest with you. When my parents got divorced, I was in a bad state. And I was listening to lots of bad music. In my defence I can say that my English was awful then and I barely understood the lyrics. (Not that my English is perfect now, I’m sure you spot a mistake or two ;)).

So yes, I also need to constantly remind myself to: test everything; hold fast what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Curse words, especially those that mean to insult somebody – like f.u., m-f., b., and so on, are sinful words that we should not speak. It’s a very low standard of speech. And we, as children of the Highest King, should not go that low.

The Conclusion

Sometimes you just don’t have control over the music – you are at the Birthday party at an unbeliever’s house, watching a YouTube workout channel that has some music in the background… but in the moments you sit down with your headsets, always make sure the music you listen to has a good impact.

It does not always need to be pure worship music, but it has to be… good. Relaxing music can ease your emotions and bring you peace, which glorifies God as well. Emotional music can help you get out sadness and anger, which is eventually good too. You need to be careful and judge the song by the effect it has on you. Because if it makes you disrespect people, fills you with anger, or replaces Godly desires with a desire to have a shiny Lambo, it’s not good music.

So finally, the simple answer to “Can Christians listen to music with curse words” is – Yes, they can. But as long as it depends on them, they shouldn’t.

For the sake of others, and the sake of their heart.

Do you agree with this statement? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Want more? Check out this article: “Can Christians kiss before marriage?”.

Love, Marysia

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