How to Be Confident in What You Wear – 4 Tricks

Gaining confidence by developing your style is a lovely side effect. You glow up, you feel more yourself, and you start becoming more confident. Yet sometimes it is not so easy to achieve the last one. So you might wonder – how to be confident in what you wear.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you, in this article, I will help you figure it all out 🙂 Colorful fashion changed a lot in my life, but most importantly, it allowed me to feel good in my skin. And I believe it can also teach you how to be confident in what you wear.

Since we wear clothes every day, they are crucial. You can make a good first impression with them, or rather the opposite. You can feel comfortable and fun or wear pieces that do not feel like it. Once you figure out your style, you will feel amazing in it, and boosted confidence will come as a nice bonus.

girl wearing a beige hat and colorful floral dress, posing confidently

Personal Style VS Social Expectations

If we want it or not, modern society dictates what clothes we should be wearing. Fashion changes from season to season and it is easy to get confused about what is “trendy” right now.

That’s why it is important to establish YOUR OWN style that will stay more or less the same throughout the different seasons. That will allow you to be authentic and be able to process fashion news according to your liking.

Even though today the standard seems to be a T-shirt and jeans, one does not have to wear that. The last time I wore casual jeans was during a bonfire when I was almost sure I would get dirty and the only pair of pants I was ready to sacrifice were… jeans.

Do not let the peer pressure overwhelm you. The true style and the knowledge of how to feel good in what you wear come from daring to be unique. Of course, if jeans and T-shirts are your vibe, go for it, but if they are not, wearing them just because others do will take away the whole fun of dressing up.

Of course, we should still respect other people and remain elegant so I’m not saying – wear bikinis all the time no matter what others say (actually I talk about bikinis more here). Staying modest and not wearing disturbing outfits is our responsibility. We share the earth with others so we should play around with fashion but in moderation. You know, there are some lines. Unique and different is fine, but vulgar and inappropriate – not really.

How to Be Confident in What You Wear – The Fit Matters

You are not expecting this one, but the most common reason why people do not feel confident in their outfits is… the wrong fit. There is this trend to wear super tight dresses and no wonder one can feel slightly uncomfortable if every line of their body is exposed and they can barely move without being scared they will show even more. This is something you should never do to learn how to be confident in what you wear.

Tight clothes show the disproportions of our bodies, which is completely natural and normal, but it’s hard to be confident when all the things you are insecure about are visibly displayed in your outfit. Not to mention that too-tight clothes are simply vulgar. So if that’s the design you’re aiming that, you need to be aware of the vibes you are sending.

On the other side of the extreme, we have too big clothes. Oversized blazers may look fashionable, but certain clothes make you feel like disappearing in tons of fabrics. Especially when you like your figure and then you put on an oversized sweater and your body looks like it was sinking.

If you want to learn how to be confident in what you wear, invest some time in making sure clothes fit just right. You’d be surprised how much it can change. A nicely tailored outfit will make a great impression, no matter the other elements of the appearance.

how to be confident in what you wear - a girl in a dark blue skirt and nicely tailored pink polka dot shirt, wearing blue and pink platform heels, drinking a lemonade

Pick Your Best Colors

Do you sometimes put on an amazing piece of clothing and somehow your face looks tired and your skin becomes greyish? That’s what “bad colors” can do to you. On the contrary, the colors from the palette of your season can brighten up what’s best in your beauty type. Your skin starts glowing and the colors of your eyes and hair pop up. And that’s how to be confident in what you wear – by using colors!

I think color analysis is a great tool to find out what colors make you look your best. Of course, it’s not a strict code of shades you have to follow, but it’s a good guideline, especially for the days when you need your outfit to add some glow. I wear all colors that I like, no matter the seasonal palette, but once in a while I intentionally pick autumn colors, which is my season, and then I have a “wow” effect.

So if you want to learn how to be confident in what you wear, I suggest you invest some time and a little bit of money to get to know your beauty season. If you happen to be a spring, make sure to check my ebook on this season – color palettes, makeup guidelines, and perfect color combos are waiting for you there.

At the same time, it’s healthy to have balance in picking the colors of your clothes. If you are obsessed with hot pink, and it’s not your best color, wear it anyway. Because then you will simply feel confident wearing it, and it will show. Even if maybe your skin looks better in soft pink, your soul also loves hot pink. It’s all about balancing between wearing what you look good in and feel good in.

How to Be Confident in What You Wear – Your Secret Weapon

You know what boosts my confidence, no matter what I’m wearing? High heels and nicely done nails. Seems like small details, but they add up so much. All of us have such items that magically make us feel like million dollars. Adding them to any outfit is your secret weapon.

If you have your favorite bag that makes you feel wow, or a pair of heels that give you more confidence, wear them as often as you can. This way, no matter if your outfit is great or just fine, you will feel like a star.

I think it’s wonderful if you have as many “favorite clothes” as you can. People usually buy an item and it becomes their favorite because it is either comfortable or carries nice memories. What if you started shopping that way so every new piece you purchase becomes one of your favorite ones? It is possible and guarantees you more confidence. Check out my article about the art of shopping to find out how you can achieve the effect of a dream wardrobe.

Sometimes the secret weapon is not connected to the outfit directly. Maybe it’s a specific makeup that makes you feel awesome or the relaxing bath you take the night before. Find out your tiny tricks on how to feel good in what you wear and watch the magic happen.

confident girl on the beach wearing white sunglasses, yellow Hawaiian shirt, pink hat and a dark blue skirt, the wind is blowing her hair

Your Style = Your Personality

One of the ways that can make you feel truly unique and confident is by embracing your personality through clothes. Now it might seem a little confusing at first, but developing what you like and what you don’t in fashion can be crucial.

Sometimes we just wear things because we were told it is cool, trendy, or attractive, but rarely do we truly think about what we want to wear. When I started wearing colorful clothes, despite how others felt about it, I noticed a huge change in my character. Anyway, you can read the whole story here.

Think about it that way. If fashion hasn’t started yet and you could start it all, what would you tell people to wear? More dresses? Neutrals paired with neons? Lots and lots of jewelry?

Even if the current trends are different, I want you to start wearing what you want. Experiment, check out a few styles if you have to, but don’t be scared to express yourself through clothes. I know it’s a cliche, but the ultimate answer to “How to be confident in what you wear” is “Be yourself and show it through clothes”.

Fashion is for us, not all the way around. So don’t follow the mass trying to blend in, but have fun with your style and dare to be unique. That’s the true key to confidence. Accepting and embracing who you are… and what clothes you like, of course.

I’m cheering for you on this journey!

Love, Marysia

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