How to Combine Colors – Colorful Fashionista’s Guide

The colors are amazing and there are so many of them! So sometimes it is not easy to mix them… But today I will share with you the most effective (and the easiest!) tips on how to combine colors.

Imagine that instead of safe shades put together you’d decide to wear brave, vivid colors combined perfectly. From a shy grey mouse, you can enter the colorful fashionista era in a matter of minutes.

I guarantee you, at the end of this article you will have essential knowledge on how to combine colors. Mixing colors was never that easy before!

So are you ready to blend colors like a pro?

Why And How to Combine Colors?

Well, one-color outfits are great, but once in a while, it is good to give your look some more layers. And hey, it is not always about outfits – blending colors is also useful in interiors, makeup, or creating a brand logo.

So the tips in this article can be applied to many spheres of life. Since we are surrounded by colors, it is beneficial to learn how they work.

Various shades can be used for self-expression and this is the thing I love the most about colors. You can tell a story with them!

Properly mixed colors look great and they can boost your confidence. Imagine going on in a grey dress vs a multicolored dress that makes your eyes shine and skin glow.

Yup, that’s the art of properly done color analysis, but as long as it is great to have one done, you can apply it pretty much only to clothes. At the same time, the knowledge of how to combine colors can be used almost everywhere.

how to combine colors like a fashionista - girl wearing colorful clothes

Tip 1 – Blend Colors Based on Similarity

That’s the first lesson I usually give people about the colors. If something is similar, then it will most probably look good together.

I mean, it happens in nature – sunset combines yellow, orange, and red. So three colors are next to each other on a color chart.

Ocean includes all shades of blue – from dark navy to happy sky blue, sometimes with a pop of green. Again, blue and green are next to each other.

Professionally called analogous colors match pretty well. You can also mix colors from the same group – for example, imagine coral orange with a tangerine shade. Yes, going monochrome sometimes includes blending colors!

how to combine colors based on similarity, color palette of eight similar colors

Tip 2 – Mix Colors Based on Opposition

All the colorful fashionistas love doing that! It gives an outfit another dimension of color and can make you stand out.

So how to combine colors bravely? Mix opposite colors!

Pick a color and match it with a shade opposite on the color chart. This way the timeless combos were created – for example purple and yellow, blue and orange, or green and red.

You do not need to pick the most vivid shades – the same rule applies to pastels. So for example pastel blue will blend well with pastel orange. See, it’s not hard at all.

You can go more advanced and combine opposite colors, but different shades – for example, vivid orange with pastel blue.

Not all of the combos created like this will look great, but the more you practice, the easier you can sense if a combo you’ve created pairs well.

how to combine colors based on opposition - color palette with four color combos

Tip 3 – Combine Colors Using Contrast

Contrast is a powerful tool in colorlogy. Okay, I totally thought I’d just made this word up, but it turns out it really exists 🙂

Contrast is measured by black and white – so the bigger the difference between the brightness of the colors, the bigger the contrast.

Here you can experiment. Soft contrast is a safer option, because gentle neutrals, no matter the shade, usually blend nicely.

But if you want to know how to combine colors with a big contrast… you need to sense it. For example, I accidentally paired pastel pink with vivid yellow and hey, it looked good!

If you look at your color combo and you like it, you did it well. Even if the rest of the world would disagree, it’s about your self-expression, isn’t it?

how to combine colors based on contrast, color palette of 8 contrasting colors

How to Combine Colors Which Are Hard to Pair?

We all know these shades that are just so challenging to match with others. For example, strong red. Sure, we have timeless combos like red, white, and black, but other than that red seems to be too aggressive to match with anything else.

But we’re about to conquer this aggressive color.

Look, when a color is strong, you can do two things. First, tone it down. In this case, add some gentle shades that will calm our angry red. Camel, beige, pastel orange, etc.

Or, if you want to make a statement with your outfit, add something equally strong. Lime, vivid yellow, or vivid green. Wow, in such an outfit you will be noticed everywhere!

Well, how to combine colors that are crazy? Like, neons? I’d say – Don’t.

Just kidding 🙂 It is totally possible to mix colors in these shades, yet neons are usually hard on the eyes, no matter what you blend them with. The same rules as with red apply here – tone it down or… be crazy and add some more neon!

Too Boring? Add Accent Color!

If you’ve mixed colors using the tips above, and even if it looks cohesive, there’s not much going on in your outfit, there is one powerful thing you can do.

Simply add an accent color. You can pick any shade you want but the best results will be achieved with the color opposite to one of the shades you used as the main elements of your outfit.

So for example, if you have a bright blue dress and you put on dark blue shoes, add an orange bag.

An accent color needs to be at least a shade stronger than the base colors. Then it pops out and makes you look like a pro colorful fashionista.

Hats, bags, shoes… there are so many accessories you can use accent colors on. Treat colorful accessories as your superpower!

Common Mistakes in Mixing Colors

Poorly blended colors are not the end of the world, but it is better to know which mistakes not to make while learning how to combine colors.

The first mistake is… not even trying. Going completely monochrome without even adding a different shade anywhere, including makeup, can appear pretty basic. If that’s the look you’re aiming at, then it’s completely fine, but if you want to claim the colorful fashionista’s title…

Another common mistake is mixing a few patterns in different colors. Of course, colors and patterns can be combined pretty well, but if everything is all over the place and there is not a single color that is common for the patterns, then it all might look a little bit childish.

So make sure to pick patterns that have at least one same or similar color to create cohesiveness.

Other than these two major mistakes, there is a very tiny risk of blending colors the wrong way. It is all kind of subjective and again, as long as it looks good for you, keep it.

Now You Know How to Combine Colors!

See, it’s not that hard as it seems 🙂 If you mix colors based on similarity, opposition, or contrast, you can be sure it will be a successful attempt.

Colorful fashion is all about playing with colors bravely so hey, break the rules and create unique outfits.

If you want to learn more, head to the article about combining colors and patterns. I’ll see you there!

Love, Marysia

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