How to Glorify God through… Clothes?

We know (more or less ;)) how to glorify God through our work, marriage, and general lifestyle, but have you ever thought about fashion as a way to share the Gospel?

Well, I have 🙂 That’s why in today’s article I will show you how you can bring glory to God using your clothes. Because if we want it or not, clothes communicate a lot. And if something communicates anything, I believe it also has the potential to communicate the gospel.

After reading this post, you will not look at your clothes the same way. And opening the closet will be like opening the Bible.

Okay, maybe not that much, but for sure you’ll see evangelizing potential in clothes from now on. I can promise you that.

Bible on Clothes

There are many popular Bible verses about clothing that we can quote by heart. Everybody knows that we should not worry about what we shall wear and that the ultimate decoration of a woman is not jewelry but her kindness.

But there is so much more to that! Not worrying does not mean not carrying. So for example, Christian people should not trouble their heads with anxieties like “Oh my, will I have money for bread tomorrow? Or better, will I be able to afford a donut?”, but at the same time not caring and eating whatever and whenever is not glorying God as well.

I think the same rule applies to clothes – we should not bite our nails and think “Oh my, Lucinda has a baby shower tomorrow, and I do not have a new dress/suit… “. But also it would not be kind to wear sweatpants to an occasion that’s so important to Lucinda.

Imagine that despite this advice, you would still go to the baby shower in sweatpants. Versus, wearing a cute dress/suit that is maybe not new, but looks elegant. In the first scenario, you would communicate to Lucinda that her special day means nothing to you and you do not feel like celebrating a baby the best you can. While the cute dress would show you put some effort and respect for the event.

See? Clothes DO speak and can glorify God!

how to glorify God through clothes - a girl wearing colorful clothes and sharing her testimony in the church

But We Are So Much More That The Clothes That Cover Us!

True. The closet full of beautiful clothes cannot compete with the worth of a kind spirit and the character that is shaped by God.

But at the same time, your clothes speak before you can open your mouth. This is an extreme example, but if you see a lady in a super short and tight red dress, would you think she’d be a Christian? Probably that wouldn’t cross your mind as a first info.

Of course, she might be a Christian and you might realize she believes in Christ after you talk to her for a while, but her clothes communicate differently.

What if… the situation could be the opposite? You would see somebody wearing X, Y, Z and immediately think “Ah! They look like they follow Christ!” or, if you were an unbeliever then at least – “Ah! They seem different. But… good different!”.

So now let me tell you what these X, Y, and Z factors are that let us glorify God through clothing.

Factor X – Modest

It seems obvious that if we want our clothes to glorify God, we should make sure they are modest. Yet, nowadays people embrace so-called “freedom” a little bit too much and also view modesty as limiting…

It breaks my heart to see young girls showing themselves in way too vulgar clothes and not seeing anything wrong with them. Parents should also show beauty and purpose of modesty to their kids, of course, but at some age, you start experimenting with fashion on your own. And sometimes you take a wrong turn.

Modest clothes not only cover the body gracefully, but they embrace the purity of God. There isn’t a golden rule in this factor. It will depend on a culture, a place, and an occasion.

So I will not tell you – wear dresses that reach 2/3 of your legs or shirts with necklines not cut further than 5 cm. Everybody is different. And the truth is, modesty starts with the attitude of the heart.

Everything super tight, short, or provocatively cut has no place in a Christian closet. Okay, it has – in a box that says “For Marriage Bedroom Only”.

girl wearing flowers on her head and a white dress

Factor Y – Elegant

Now, please, don’t get defensive. I do not mean we all need to wear formal clothes, not at all. This is often how people misunderstand the term “elegant” when elegant means: neat, decent, considering others, and proper.

I know God looks at our hearts, and He sees the same in us no matter if we wear pajama or a suit. But hey, think about it another way. Church is the place where you purposefully go to see the King and His soldiers (His Christian Army, yay!). Such an occasion requires some respect and picking your best clothes, doesn’t it?

Nowadays lots of people tend to dress up sloppy way. And I think it might appear disrespectful. I know, we want to “be ourselves” (can somebody explain to me what it actually means?), but the Bible says that for the sake of weaker in faith, we should sacrifice (1 Cor 8:13).

So I think instead of changing a church into a gym where everybody wears sweatpants or (oh my!) leggings, we should aim at keeping it elegant. Or smart casual, as you prefer.

Factor Z – Expressive

Ha, this one probably surprised you, didn’t it? But hey, this blog is all about self-expression through colors 🙂

I do believe we can show people good news and glorify God by the clothes we decide to wear. Pretty, modest floral dresses embrace God’s design for feminity, neat button shirts show seriousness and mismatched socks show we embrace variety.

Think outside the box when it comes to clothes. Following trends is fine, but embracing your unique taste in clothes is even more fine!

I’m not saying everyone needs to wear colorful clothes and look like a clown/the author of this article 🙂 You can wear what you like, picking clothes that represent your values. I embrace freedom in Christ (wearing bright-colored clothes) and every tine shade that God has created in this world (wearing colorful clothes 98% of the time).

You pick your values and stories to tell and show them with clothes so that people see God. Or, if it is not that obvious, let them see Something and wonder what it is 🙂

How to Glorify God with Taking Care of Clothes

Who likes doing laundry, hand up? I have mine up! … Is it really just my hand in the air? Ah well.

Look, if God gracefully provided you with money and opportunity to get your beautiful clothes, it is just right to treat them well.

Doing laundry is obvious and everybody does it because we simply do not want to stink, but… how to store the clothes? Are yours thrown all around your closet, getting wrinkled and squeezed?

I used to have a mess in my closet. And when I say mess, I mean MESS. And then I realized that having messy piles of clothes is not being respectful to the gift God was so gracious with to me.

So I got rid of half of my closet (gave away to homeless people’s church and sold a few pieces), and neatly put the rest of them. Now they’re being displayed nicely, do not get wrinkled and I thank God for the gift of clothes every time I open my closet.

I also pray thanks when I fold my laundry. “Thank you, God, that I have what to put on my body, and thank you that the clothes you give me are so pretty!”. I’m sure I’m the first person that ever told you that. But hey, if we give thanks before eating food, why not do the same before clothing our bodies?

how to glorify God through clothes - a woman goes through clothes in a thrift store

And How About $$$ Spent on Clothes?

Well, that one is tricky. For somebody, a certain amount will be a little bit, for somebody else it will be all they have…

You need to know in your heart if you spend a “Godly amount” on clothes. We need them regularly, and sometimes just want a new piece or two, but even in these moments of wants, we can glorify God by purchasing clothes. Like, don’t tell me that spending a reasonable amount of money on a dress that you will put on for your husband is not Godly woman’s thinking. Okay, maybe if you would buy a luxurious brand’s one…

Oh, speaking of. I honestly do not think that it is Christian-like to wear super expensive clothes. Unless they got them in a thrift store for way way way (a bunch of way-s) cheaper. But even then, if there is a big logo on the clothes, then one should be careful not to appear boastful.

It is wise to invest in good quality clothes, but one can glorify God using daily fashion, not luxurious one 🙂

It is also worth remembering that when it comes to clothes, just like with any other thing, somebody has put work in them. Designed them, sewed, delivered them. So paying for clothes you also support other families. And glorify God that way.

That’s exactly what you do shopping at my and my husband’s colorful store – support not only my mission to help people use colors as self-expression but also support our family. I hope this article helped you anyhow (for example to discover a new perspective on fashion and glorying God through it or get inspired to pay more attention to clothes).

You matter to me and I enjoy helping you grow in your Christian journey. So, what would you like me to write about next? Write in the comments!

Love, Marysia

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