Money And Fashion – How Much You Should Spend on Clothes

Being financially responsible is hard. Especially when there are temptations to spend money at every corner. I never knew how much money is a lot to spend on fashion, and my doubts got even bigger when I became a Christian and wanted to show God glory by the way I use my money. But then I understood a thing or two and it became clear to me. So if you also wonder how much you should spend on clothes, I have a few tips on this that might help.

The Bible teaches us about modesty and what it means to be spiritually rich. It also encourages us not to aim at being rich on this earth, but what if we are, not being aware of it? Now in modern times, the differences between being poor and rich depend on a person.

Some people make thousands of dollars and they claim they need millions to be rich. While some others make just enough to survive and they stay content with what they have.

So is there one answer to the question “How much you should spend on clothes” or is it rather an attitude of heart that needs to be achieved?

Let’s find out.

how much money to spend on clothes - a fancy dressed up man in a suit standing, a huge gold banknote in the background

How Much You Should Spend on Clothes? Go And Sell Everything You Have

You certainly remember this story about the rich guy who wanted to follow Jesus and he received instructions to give everything he had to poor ones. Now, is the fact that he was rich the problem? Or lack of willingness to give it all up?

Let’s think about it from a different perspective. If God came to you and told you to give up all of your clothes to poor people, what would you feel? Because here is the key. If your clothes are your obsession and the thought of losing them makes you shiver, I think it’s time to reevaluate your priorities.

Clothes are a wonderful gift from God, and there are so many colors, designs, styles… Having fun and using them is one. Treating them as your biggest treasure is something totally different.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my clothes. But if I needed to give them up, I would, and my life still would be amazing. Of course, I would be sad I could not wear my colorful pieces, but I would not be devastated. If your attitude is balanced as well, then you can freely enjoy spending money on fashion.

Okay, we figured out the approach to outfits, but how much should you spend on clothes?

The Freedom of Expression

The fact that you’re asking how much should you spend on clothes shows you want to respect the money God is blessing you with. I’m so proud of you, girl!

Sadly, there are two popular extremes among women wondering how they should treat money when it comes to fashion. The first group never buys anything because they treat clothes as vanity. I strongly disagree with this opinion.

Good gave us freedom of expression. And wearing nice clothes is a form of that! You look nice, you feel nice, confident, and joyful. Of course, clothes should not be the source of our Eternal Joy, but they might and should bring you happiness.

If God is blessing you so that you can buy a dress or two once in a while, do not refuse this gift out of guilt, but accept it. So yes, you should spend money on clothes, inside your budget. Now I won’t tell you specific numbers, since it will look different for each of us.

So how much you should spend on clothes? Think about it this way. Somebody put work into creating this piece of clothing. Fabric. Design. Effort. So even if once in a while you purchase something more expensive, but it will be long-lasting and bring you happiness every time you wear it, it’s fine. Still, I do not think Christians should purchase luxurious brands. More about it in this article. I mean, unless you bought them for cheaper. And you’re not showing off with the logos.

Your opinion might be different from mine when it comes to Christians wearing luxurious fashion, and it’s okay to disagree, sister. In this case, let’s agree to disagree 😉 And let’s move on to the other extreme in wondering how much you should spend on clothes.

Shopaholism And Other Extremes

On the other side, we have ladies who constantly spend money on clothes. They buy just to buy, usually not wearing a piece of clothing more than once. Now, this is the attitude you should stay away from.

Now, overspending looks different for everyone. I think sometimes it is okay to buy something more expensive. For example a nice red dress for a special date with your husband – hey, it’s kind of investing in your marriage 😉

But if you already have two or even three nice red dresses, I think it’s too much to buy yet another one. Having a full and lovely closet is fun, but having too much to fit there is a little bit overboard.

That’s why every once in a while I recommend doing a wardrobe reevaluation – get rid of clothes you were not wearing for a while, do not keep the clothes that you do not need anymore. Fashion is amazing, but we should always embrace quality over quantity.

two girl shopping for clothes, one blonde wearing a black dress, the other brunette wearing polka dot shirt and a top

So it’s better to buy more expensive shoes that will last for a few years than four similar pairs that will last only a few months. Respect the value of clothes and shop wisely.

Never fall for a trap to have more and more. The world will tell you otherwise, but the true richness is not hidden in the amount or value of your clothes. It’s in your soul.

So How Much Should You Spend on Clothes?

As I’ve said, there isn’t a specified amount on how much you should spend on clothes. This article was rather meant to guide your mind into a good attitude towards money and fashion. The Holy Spirit is our compass; no matter how weird it seems, try praying before purchasing.

As long as you spend joyfully and listen to Him, it will be all right.

As a bonus, I’ve decided to be transparent and tell you how much I spend on clothes. People tend to think that a lot since I have fun, colorful clothes. Yet the truth is quite surprising. Last few months I spent exactly 0$. I have a bunch of clothes and shoes as a gift from my mum. That’s how things are done in Slavic countries 😉

But when I do need to buy something, I usually think if I really need and want a piece in a scale from 1 to 10. I buy only 8 and up. And I do not spend anything without discussing it with my husband first – he’s good with numbers so he is responsible for our budget. And that’s the method I recommend a – 1-10 scale and consulting your finances with a husband if you have one, or some kind of mentor. That will simply keep you accountable.

And the last thing – fashion is a blessing. Let’s have fun with it. Just like money is a blessing. Let’s respect it.

Love, Marysia

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