Why You Should Dress Up At Home – 5 Benefits

Home office is not new anymore and more and more people decide to work from home. Also, some of us have the most important job in the whole world – being a mum! Or simply, there is a lovely and cozy weekend at home ahead. And you find yourself reaching for the old but oh-so-worn-out sweatpants. Yet, you would like to dress up at home, whatever the situation you’re in, but you just lack… motivation.

Hey, you! You’re the queen of your home and I’m challenging you to put your sweatpants to rest. They’ve served you enough.

I’ve discovered so many benefits from wearing equally beautiful clothes at home as we would wear outside of it, that believe me, after reading this article you will want to dramatically open your closet and pull out the sexiest dress you own.

Are you in? 🙂

How Do You Even Dress Up at Home?

Oh please. You know how. Exactly how you know what to put on when you’re meeting with your girlfriends.

Clothes that fit perfectly and make you look like a million dollars.

And no, don’t tell me they are not comfortable. First of all, many cute and elegant pieces ARE comfortable (some of them have even softer materials than over beloved sweatpants!). And second, nobody tells you to wear high heels at home.

At least in Europe. Because dear Americans, we indeed take our shoes off when entering home. 🙂

So yeah, you perfectly know which outfits make you feel well put together and attractive, so why distinguish “outside clothes” from the “at home” ones?

So much has changed in my life since I stopped drawing a line between these two categories. Here is the list of benefits of doing so to motivate you to dress up at home:

girl dress up in a pink dress and a ribbon, siting on a bed and drinking a tea

1. Productivity!

Yes, girl! Don’t you feel in a working mode when putting on this lovely pink pencil skirt? Exactly! Imagine you can feel like that at home. And gain energy to do housework but also work on your hobbies and passions.

Happy people say that their every day feels like Saturday. What if your everyday (excluding totally restful Sundays of course!) would feel as relaxed as Saturday, but also as productive as stereotypical Monday?

Wearing pretty clothes takes you out of the lazy zone and sends you productive vibes.

Try it for one week. Every day wear something pretty, elegant, or playful. Be careful, because you might increase your productivity but also grow your…

2. Self-Confidence!

I can promise you, that wearing clothes that bring you joy will slowly build up your self-confidence. You won’t be in a panic mode when a courier knocks on your door unexpectedly, too.

Every day you pass the mirror, you’ll see an elegant lady in cute clothes. It’s not about putting an unrealistic standard on yourself to dress up at home every day, not at all. Of course, there will be times when you will be super hipper tired, in pain, sick, or sad, and allowing yourself to be a mess and look a mess once in a while is healthy.

Yet, putting effort into your appearance at home more often is truly beneficial for your mental health and also for your…

3. More Intimacy in Marriage!

Imagine that your husband comes home to a beauty queen in a hot dress. Yes, he would still be thrilled to see you in sweatpants as well, but let’s not deny that physical attractiveness works stronger if we put effort into the way we look.

Like during dating you were so intentional, doing your makeup, and using perfumes, why should that change after marriage?

I’ve promised myself that since I’ve married a king, I should step up to be a queen! And the queen wears beautiful dresses 😉

Many people (aka feminists) get super angry when I point that out. They are upset because “why would they dress up at home for a man??!”. Because you care about your relationship, maybe? And please, let’s be honest. Don’t you just want to get glued to your husband when he wears your favorite button shirt and uses this tempting perfume? Why is it wrong to make it go both ways? 🙂

Anyway, I won’t say much more, just that when you will intentionally dress up at home more often, your sexual sphere of life will only benefit from it. Just as well as…

4. Your Style!

Your style will become more harmonious and you will truly discover what you like and dislike. It’s because you will have daily occasions to try out new outfits, color combinations, and so on and so on. You will not wear clothes that do not suit your personality in one environment just to change them into something different in the other.

dress up at home - lady sitting on the sofa on the balcony and reading a book, wearing a colorful dress, blue and green tights, and a blue beret

And people will see this change, compliment you, and even the courier will see that he is dealing with a very elegant and well-dressed lady.

Why do we buy a bunch of cute clothes and then wear them only outside? Isn’t home the place where we spend the most time? Why would it deserve less then?

Believe me, once you decide to dress up at home just as cutely as outside, your style will evolve, and shopping for clothes will be easier – you will know exactly what you’re looking for. Also, what might surprise you, you might develop…

5. Respect!

If you saw two men – one in a suit, the other in filthy clothes, which one would seem more “respectable” to you?

Exactly. Clothes matter, and believe me, if you start wearing great clothes for casual occasions (groceries for example), people will begin to treat you differently.

And, you will also start treating yourself that way. Because putting on good clothes is a form of self-respect, now isn’t it?

I’ve done a small experiment. I went out for a walk with my dog as I always do. But one day I went out with messy hair, without makeup, and in a worn-out shirt and wrinkled pants. The lady impolitely pushed me in the elevator to stand closer to the mirror, and even while through the corridor where the apartment complex workers were (they are there almost every morning), nobody even looked at me.

The other day I put on my vintage blue dress, combed my hair and let it down nicely, and put on gentle makeup. The guy in the elevator welcomed me and even asked which floor I was going to. And the workers? As soon as I appeared, they all started staring and one of them ran to open the door for me.

Now, clothes don’t matter that much you’re saying? 😉

Dress Up at Home and See Your Life Change

It seems like a small, insignificant change to dress up at home more often. Yet it can start many more serious changes – if you are more productive, you will get more things done, more respect means being treated better, more confidence can let you out of your comfort zone quicker, and so on and so on.

I hope I’ve convinced you to put some effort into looking good, even if you’re not leaving the home that day. And hey, it does not have to be time-consuming! I spend around 10 minutes every day in total to pick a cute outfit, style it, and do my hair and makeup.

If you want to steal my quick strategy, I’m spilling it all here.

And if you are super motivated and want to buy some unique and pretty clothes to wear at home, I have a perfect place where you can buy them – Marysia’s Colorful Closet with colorful and unique women’s clothing. Go on, queen, treat yourself to some cute clothes 😉

Marysia's Colorful Closet fashion store image, a girl wearing three colorful outfits, a logo of the store at the bottom

So what, tomorrow I can visit you at home and see you all pretty and dressed up? 😉

Love, Marysia

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