Where to Find a Godly Man to Marry? 4 Places

So you’re saying, you’re looking for a husband? And not just any husband, but a Godly man? A few years ago that would make us two, sister. Now I’m happily married to a lovely, Christian man I absolutely adore.

And I know how much you might want marriage, love, and home right now. That’s why you’ve found yourself reading this article – you want to know where to find this guy.

This post is half serious half playful so take it with a grain of salt. Because even if there are a few places where it is more probable for you to find a Godly man, you can bump into him practically everywhere. Okay, excluding a few places, but hey, who said Walmart is a bad place to find love?

Before I share these magical places with you based on my friends’ statistics and stories, I want to encourage you to go to the previous article on HOW to find a Godly man. Because you might be standing in the exact location as him, yet not knowing a few crucial things there can make you leave a bad first impression.

If you’ve already read that post, I guess we can start exploring the places where the species of Godly man is to be found. πŸ™‚

places to find Godly man - white cross standing on  a hill, green fields in front of it

1. The Church

If you observe them from a safe distance, you’ll see a pack of Godly men lurking in the churches, entering youth groups, and praying on their knees.

Yet, be cautious my brave explorer, this species, if real, is fantastic and charming, yet there are also a few fake ones hidden among them. They put the cover of the Godly man, yet their heart is selfish and they are sneaky following the world.

You want to spot them as soon as you can, because believe me, their traps are deadly, and so easy to fall into, since they cover their darkness with the light. That’s why we’ll call them Ch.Ch. – Church’s Chameleons.

So as you see, sister, you’ve arrived at the right place to find a Godly man, YET be careful. Grab a list of qualities to spot the Church’s Chameleons:

  • praying on Sunday, partying on Saturday
  • not talking about faith outside the church’s walls
  • not respecting women (it can look different ways for each chameleon, so be especially careful with that one)
  • cursing, smoking, drinking a lot, breaking the rules outside the church only

See? They can camouflage well, but once you spot them, you’re safe. So even if the church is maybe the safest place to find a Godly man, it might not always be the case. If the amount or quality of Godly man species disappointed you in the closest church, try place number 2:

2. Coffee Place

Usually, Godly men do not enter the coffee places in the packs, but individually. So hey, that’s your chance for a successful hunt.

Why do they even come to coffee places? To pray, of course πŸ˜‰ And also to read, to study, to plan. Because a mature Christian takes his life seriously, and he takes action. Ad usually big actions start in such innocent places as coffee places.

When our Church’s Chameleons go to the bars, the real Godly Men head to coffee places. Especially those labeled as owned by Christians.

So girl, grab a book, and a planner and head to the coffee place. Don’t forget your Bible as a bait! πŸ˜‰

3. University/Work Place

Christians can be found in many places, and even if universities or companies are not full of them, you can find a few. That’s why you should be careful, my dear explorer, and analyze every person carefully.

Usually, the true Godly man is labeled as “the weird one” who for example never smokes, is always behaving and it’s so hard to make him angry.

If we follow Christ, we contrast with the world more and more, so if somebody is a man of God, it will show.

If a man is not different in some sense, then you know what it means. Bravo, you’ve managed to spot another Church’s Chameleon!

But look around and maybe, just maybe, you will find a true, not fake Godly man.

4. Anywhere?

The truth is, you can meet your future husband randomly in the parking lot, or let it be in Walmart. And I know you know it. You’re just so tired of waiting or searching that you wanted me to give you these magical places so you can pack your bag and start hunting.

Or maybe so far you were looking in the wrong places. You know which places I mean. But at the same time, Jesus went to such places to save the sinners. Yet, it is highly improbable for a Godly man to go to for example a strip club to share the Gospel, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰

Now, my sweet reader, put down your radar for Godly men. Your future husband will come to you at the right time, and there’s no need to push it. Of course, you can actively look for the right man, but do not look for him desperately.

As many stories prove, God gives us more than we could imagine if we only surrender to Him.

And it can be any of the places above or something different. For example, I met my husband during a university exchange in the church, but we fell in love in a coffee place. So yeah, sometimes it takes more than one place.

hands of a couple with marriage rings, the coffee place in the background

Godly Man for Godly Woman

I cannot emphasize it enough, but girl, if you become a high-value, God-loving woman, you actively improve yourself by getting closer and closer to Jesus, then you’ll become like a magnet for Godly men. The truth is, potential candidates are looking for the very same thing you are searching – a follower of Christ to marry.

So yes, pray for a husband, but at the same time take some action not by going into the right places (although it cannot harm!), but by becoming the right person.

And God will honor that. Oh, you’ll be surprised how much.

Love, Marysia

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