Wife Material: 9 Qualities to Attract Your Dream Man

I’ve already written an article about men’s qualities of a good husband, so now it’s our turn ladies. If you want to check if you are a wife material, you are in the right place.

Many of us dream about loving and being loved, building a home, and finding the one and only man – it all can be fulfilled by becoming a wife.

Great marriage does not happen just like this, it requires a lot of work. The better the foundation, the easier it is after you say the magical “I do”.

What Does It Mean to Be a Wife Material?

Some years ago it was a tradition for a young lady to prepare to become a wife and queen of the home one day. Cooking, sewing, manners, social skills – we would be taught it all if we were born in the previous century.

Of course, there is more to being a wife than being able to fry an egg, but the general idea of preparing was there. Well, not anymore, at least in most places in the world.

I leave the opinion about if it is good or bad entirely to you. Yet, with this article, I want to help you figure out if you are a wife material and how to improve your chances of meeting the high-value man.

Below you can find a list of qualities and skills that you should have to be a wife material.

1. Ready for Exclusivity

If you want to get married, you need to be ready for exclusivity. I can sense that you are totally like that – dreaming of meeting one special man and becoming his one and only.

Christian dating is tough and very different from modern dating and requires a wider perspective. So do not court just for the sake of courting, do it for the higher purpose of future marriage.

I do not believe there is something like “innocent flirting”. If you would easily sacrifice all the men you are chatting with now for your future husband, then you are wife material.

couple kissing in the hair salon

2. Having a Kind Spirit

Oh, I hope I didn’t irritate you now. Kindness is so underestimated – now it is not trendy to be a kind woman. It is trendy to be strong, and independent and not let a man open the door for you.

I am not saying a woman who is strong and firm is not a wife material. Yet, this role requires one to be helpful, sacrificial, and kind.

Provers 27:15 says: “A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day”. Wow, this might seem offensive!

We, women, like dramas. And believe me, marriage is full of them so the kindness factor will be needed. The kinder you are to people around you now being single, the better of a wife material you are.

3. Altruistic Woman is a Wife Material

This sounds like a fancy word, but what it means is very simple. It means to be ready to step back and compromise for the sake of others.

As a wife you will need to think of the ways to help your husband, to respect and love him the best way and sometimes it will mean resigning from your desires.

But fear not! If you become the right woman you will attract the right, loving man. You will focus on his needs, he will focus on yours. It’s a win-win.

4. Humble

Adjusting to new responsibilities and learning new skills is challenging – if you are a good, humble student ready to learn, then girl, you’ll make an amazing wife.

I needed a lot of tempering in this sphere – I needed to admit that I am super messy and an awful cook, and also I am a drama queen.

But if you can humbly admit your flaws and be determined to work on them, you are a wife material.

5. Beautiful

No, I do not want to hear that you are not beautiful! Beauty does not fit in ridiculous physical standards that the culture sets. Beauty is the attitude of heart, care that you give to yourself and others, trust in the Lord, and the glow that you have because of these things.

Now, this might seem controversial but I believe that a woman who is a wife material takes care of her body wisely. So not eating junk all the time and neglecting it, but also not falling into the trap of one hour long sessions of skin care.

The wife material can balance between inner and outer beauty perfectly – putting in effort to look lovely, but also not placing her identity in the looks.

If you are in this sweet spot – yes, you guessed right – you ARE a wife material.

couple kissing under the sign marry me

6. Good follower

Aha, and now we have reached the hot topic of submission. I think a woman who wants to be a wife one day should be ready to follow her husband.

Not follow his decisions blindly, but always be ready to talk through everything and be part of the decision-making process.

But, still, if the whole idea of submission seems too strict to you, then you might end up constantly fighting in your marriage about who has more power.

Submission is not becoming a doormat – it is gaining the very strong role of a counsel and follower. Being ready to compromise and trust your husband in major things will help you grow and will make him a stronger man as well.

So if you are ready to learn to be a good follower and you have this desire to be led, then you are in a safe place.

The Skills to Have to Be a Wife Material

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room. When you hear the word “housewife” what comes to your mind first?

Well, for me it is a cute apron, high heels, and perfectly cooked chicken.

This is stereotypical, of course, yet there are some skills that you will need when becoming a wife. They are not necessary as long as you have the qualities mentioned above but are truly helpful.

1. Home-making Drive

As a wife, you will be creating a home for your family. In a metaphorical sense – so taking care of your husband and kids, making a loving atmosphere and a safe harbor.

Also, it included literal aspects of decorating, making the home neat and smelling lovely, and cooking homey dishes.

I was so against that when I first got married. I did not want to cook and clean. But over time God increased these desires in me and today I know that these acts of service are exactly what is needed in a home.

Of course, a husband should help you out in these chores and never, ever ought to make you feel like a slave.

But, remember, once married you are the queen of the household. Wear your crown proudly.

wife material: smiling girl in a yellow beret is eating lunch

2. Good Student

Do not let the point 1. discourage you. If nobody taught you the basics of cooking or you find yourself a clumsy person, this does not disqualify you.

You will grow and you will learn as long as you have what it takes – the will to learn. You will burn a few toats and create a fire alarm at least once a month, yet one day you will master all the skills.

Do not compare yourself to the girls who already cook nicely or are perfect at decorating. If you are ready to study and have a PH.D. in homemaking, you are a wife material and I am sure one day you will create an amazing household.

3. The Work of Her Hands

Let’s leave the cooking for a while. I am sure you have many talents that you might have found useless so far. Let me tell you – you will be able to use anything you’re good at for the sake of your future marriage and other people.

Creating meaningful gifts, doing crafts, singing, entertaining kids, tending to flowers, advising wisely, comforting, making daddy jokes – all of these will serve you well.

If you are eager to use all you have been given to serve others, including your future husband, let me tell you – you will make a fantastic wife.

The expression of the work of her hands goes way, way, WAY beyond being able to make a sourdough.

You ARE a Wife Material

If this list made you feel humbled, ready to work, or excited – great. Being a wife is awesome and it is a mission of many of us.

Do not feel bad if there are points that you feel you have not filled yet – they will come over time, you will grow, and you will thrive.

If deep in your lovely heart you know that being a wife is your calling, God will give you a husband. But instead of looking for him desperately, focus on working on yourself.

And as long as sourdough is a great thing, start from building the dough of your heart – the attitude, the thoughts, your love for God and people.

Now head up, sleeves rolled up, and let’s get going. I know God has a wonderful man prepared for you. And I know that when he comes, you will create a mind-blowing marriage with him. I am sure of it.

Love, Marysia

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