How to Find a Godly Husband? 4 Ultimate Ways

Many of us, Christian women, want to find a Godly husband. This task is not so easy in modern times when every second guy is not serious about relationships. Okay, I’m not being fair, there are many good Christian men out there, yet it is hard not to notice that they’re not easy to find.

But, there is hope! I’ve found a lovely husband who is not only a devoted Christian but also a romantic lover and a loyal friend. And I believe you can find a happy, God-centered marriage as well!

If this is your dream, your prayer, and the desire of your beautiful heart, let me share some tips with you that will help you find a Godly husband.

Start practicing your reaction to the proposal because you’re about to receive one soon! 😉

Who Is a Godly Man

I’m sure that if I’ve asked you this question you would roll out a long piece of paper presenting all of the required qualities. Kind, patient, loving, etc.

These qualities are certainly good and desired, but it is healthy to remember a Godly man is also simply a man so just like you, he will be sinful.

So before you even start considering “looking for a husband”, make sure it is clear in your head what is a possible, high, but not impossibly high standard to have in terms of Godly men.

To make it easier for you, I’ve created a list of qualities to look for in a man when you date to marry. I recommend you head there before you read the steps to find a Godly husband. I mean, you have to know who you’re looking for 😉

Speaking of knowing

1. Know Your Standard

The first and the most important rule to find a Godly husband is to firmly stand on what you want and not compromise. Believe me, there will be boys who will be ready to pretend Christians to get you, but you must be stubborn.

My dear sweet sister, never agree to less than God can offer you.

So even if this guy seems like he is the one, he is handsome, and kind, the conversations with him just flow, but it seems his heart is not set on God, then it will not end well. You will either date for years and he will never propose or step up to be the leader you need (how can he if he follows the world, not Jesus).

He can also hurt you and use you, even if now it seems he is too kind to do so. The sad truth is, that he can be the best person in the world, but if he is not following Jesus, he will not make a Godly husband. Simply because this is not his life’s standard.

That’s why it is so important you agree to go on dates only and exclusively with men about whom you are sure they’re with Christ. With this rule set firmly in your heart, you can move on to rule number 2 🙂

2. Search in the Right Places

Sure, there is a small chance a Godly man went to the club for whatever reason. Yet, it is like seeing a dolphin among the pack of sharks.

The lifestyle influences the places we go to, so you’ll have the biggest chance of meeting a lovely Christian man for example in the church.

Coffee places, restaurants, cinemas, parks, there are plenty of places. It is rather NOT looking in the wrong places that can save you trouble.

how to find a Godly husband - girl entering the church, the cross above the door

Sure, you can try arguing that you can find a Godly husband in a bar, and bring these few examples of happy Christian couples that found each other that way, but let’s be honest, the chances are small. It is more probable that you will be surrounded by worldly guys with not-so-pure intentions.

We do not want desperation. We want patience and trusting God.

Buuuuutt instead of lurking in every place possible to find your future husband, you can do this:

3. Work on Yourself

As Andy Stanley implied in one of his sermons, do not waste time passively waiting for the right person – become the right person. Working on yourself as a Godly woman is the best thing you can do while being single.

There is a theory that we date people who are our emotional mirror. So if you are broken and hopeless inside, you will probably attract a person who has similar struggles. If you are a strong, firm Christian, you have a bigger chance of finding a Godly husband.

Get to know Jesus more, so that you will see His qualities in men quicker and more clearly.

Study the Word, figure out God’s calling for you, and spend an exciting time on self-development in faith. Do not spend all of your time and energy looking for a husband, because actually, the only thing you need to do to find him is to…

4. Stop Searching 🙂

If God has planned a marriage for you, He will give it to you at the perfect time. And even if, oh my, you so want to find a Godly husband already, He knows better.

I was ready to find the love of my life at the age of 14 😉 Everybody had their boyfriends, and I didn’t and thought I was ugly or there was something wrong with me.

And at the age of 21, I married the most amazing man ever. And I wasn’t even looking for a husband anymore!

Along the way, I entered the wrong relationship because I was hurrying and I thought the “average” was all I could get. Now I know God had something better prepared and if I only waited patiently then I would avoid much harm and pain.

I entered this weird situationship because I was desperate. And desperation attracts desperation 🙂

So when you surrender and give up your own efforts, suddenly, in the least expected moment you’ll find a Godly husband. It might be soon or in a few years – but believe me, whenever it is, it will be the best time for it. And then you’ll see and you’ll taste how good is our God and how He blesses those who seek Him.

That’s what I’m reminded of every time I look at my gorgeous husband.

After you stop desperately searching, there is only one thing left to do:

5. Pray!

God listens to prayers, and oh my, how great His answers are. If you pray for a Godly man, He’ll give you one if He wills. And even if He doesn’t, His plan for you is way way better.

At a Christian camp, one of my first ones, there was an exercise to write qualities of a future spouse we desire. My list contained 10 positions, the majority of them clear and firm like devoted Christian, leader, follower of Christ, etc. But my list had also a few “silly” wishes that God treated seriously. Please, don’t laugh at me, I was 14 😀

So I wrote that I wanted a brunette. Taller, but just a few centimeters, so I can feel shorter but not beak my neck kissing him haha! Muscular but lean. Oh God only knows how much I wanted a strong working-out man!

My husband proves that God does not only care about our needs but also wants. Alex – brunette, 7 cm taller, muscular, attending the gym regularly.

how to find a Godly husband - married couples taking a picture in the elevator

Well, I don’t mean to encourage you to create a very detailed portrait of your dreamed man to exclude half of the potential candidates, but rather to show you that God cares, and listens, and He gives a lot, even in the moments we are not performing well as Christians.

That’s simply His grace, so girl, ask the Father in Jesus name and it will be given to you.

That’s the thought I’m leaving you with because that’s the essence of searching for a Godly husband.

Leaving it all to God.

Love, Marysia

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