Modesty In Theory, In Practice And In Style

Oh my, isn’t that a fantastic and a noble word? Modesty… It sounds so attractive and for some reason royal. Modesty can be seen in every sphere of life starting from the clothes and finishing at the words that are spoken.

But actually, what is this desired modesty?

I was thinking about it a lot. Did some research, observed some people, went through the Kingdom of Wikipedia few times and what I’ve discovered was like an enlightenment. And now I will share it all with you, my dear friend.

modestly dressed woman is smiling holding a dog

Modesty In Theory

I’ve found many definitions of modesty and one thing that connected these definitions was that modest is opposite to provocative. So if I dress up, behave and talk in a way that does not scream “Take me!” it means I am modest?

Does not sound convincing, does it? Why do we tend to explain thing using terms that say what they’re not? If modesty is not vulgarity, provocativeness and seducing, then what is it?

Let me put it into the shortest, but also the widest definition – modesty is dressing up for God. Simple as that. When your outfit screams “Jesus!” – you are modest.

If your attire begs “Look at my butt!” – well, you are… finish it however you want.

Modesty is obedience, modesty is the highest form of self-respect and elegance. Princesses of this world can be anything they want, but only the true Princess of God can be modest.

Why Is Modest So Good For You?

Modesty focuses on the attitude of heart. Modest woman represent with herself high values and she does not need to bed for attention with her attire since her noble character gets it.

I believe our Creator had the perfect design for sex in marriage and he gifted women with amazing roles. When you become a wife, your husband can unwrap your body – believe me, it is a great gift.

Maybe it will be controversial, but for me being a virgin is something more than experiencing – do not get scared of this word now if you are still not married, but I have to use it – penetration.

Being a virgin means you kept yourself for somebody special also by choosing not to expose too much of the body to the whole world.

If you dress up modestly, you will attract the men that chase not your body (at least primarily – there is nothing wrong with a Christian, good man admiring your beauty!) but your character and values.

Is It Limiting Your Freedom?

Many people think that modesty limits them so they cannot wear what they want. Wrong! Modest fashion is exciting and you can play around with it.

It is certainly more than baggy long sleeve shirt and the skirt that is so long that it goes to the core of the Earth.

Interesting, during my research I’ve discovered a rule for modest fashion – many people wrongly assume that these kind of clothes should HIDE the body while not modest style should EXPOSE it. No, not really.

You should not hide your body and lose all your femininity and confidence. You should gain it by COVERING up your lovely body so that it looks pretty, but not too sexy to be straight.

Modesty actually offers you freedom of values – do you want to follow the crowd and wear more and more provocative clothes or… do you want to rebel against that and show that you do not need any of this to feel valuable, beautiful and FREE.

Isn’t the urge to always show skin a lack of freedom actually? 😉

Modesty In Practice

Let’s get some things straight – modest fashion is not a boring fashion! This is a huge misconception and I will keep fighting for the truth with this blog.

Modest fashion is the most interesting, breathtaking and stunning fashion because it does not focus on exposing the body, but the soul! Isn’t that the good news? Too skinny and too plus size models (what is the most recent beauty standard now, am I the only one not catching up with this?) will not dictate what is pretty and what is not.

Modesty screams that you are the woman of high value and unnecessary attention of bad men is not building up your worth. And do not worry if you do not feel as a high value woman yet – paradoxically, changing your style into more modest and elegant can build up your self confidence and you will recognize yourself as a woman of high value in no time.

This is exactly what happened with me. If you need some encouragement, you’re free to stay for this paragraph, but if you just scroll down, no offence – the person who is truly interesting here is you, my dear reader! And Jesus, of course 😉

Story Time!

My childhood situation was complicated – which now I’m grateful for, it taught me a lot! But, rejection, alcohol and abuse simply made me so depressed that I’ve tried to take my own life.

Wow, you did not expect that coming from such a colorful person, did you? Exactly.

Jesus saved me. But my wardrobe was not saved as soon as my soul!

As a young girl I was affected by the trends to wear reveling clothes – sometimes I was following it without being aware. I mean, everybody was wearing shorts so why wouldn’t I?

One day I went to church in hot spicy red thigs that had wholes everywhere. As it was not enough, the shirt was also way too short. I did not wear it to gain any sexual attention (gosh, my family did not talk about sex almost at all, so I honestly did not know what it is). I just wore it because it seemed attractive and trendy.

And then one of the elder ladies looked at me with such a pity, such a “oh honey, if only you knew” that I immediately felt that something is off.

Some boys from the church were looking away. Some of them were looking with an emotion I’ve seen only in the movies. Lust.

Oh my. Then it hit me – suddenly the Bible verse “whoever look at a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Mt 5:28) made so much sense!

So I started wearing modest clothes. Modest, but colorful and happy of course. And I know that Jesus is glorified by my outfits!

Modesty Is Hot

Okay, that sounded like a contradiction 🙂 Yet, I do think that modesty is super attractive.

Modest woman knows her value and she shines wherever she goes. She stands out in the crowd of people who dress to impress, because she is the one dressed to express.

Respecting your body by dressing modestly is the highest form of self-love.

Wearing revealing/too thigh clothes communicates one thing for sure “One man looking at my body is not enough”. In some cases the pride is the issue. Sometimes the need of being noticed, desired or admired.

God designed it so beautifully that the admiration of one man (a husband) is perfectly enough. Instead of millions quick glances you get one pair of eyes staring at you like you were a piece of art.

Because you are! You are precious Mona Lisa, not a street artist picture available for every and anyone. You were created to be in Louvre!

Modesty In Style

Actually there isn’t the only one style that is modest. You can have modest glamour, modest vintage or modest colorful clown like mine 😀

What connects all of these styles is modesty, yeah, so basically intentional covering that needs to be cover speaking straight. Too short, too tight or revealing does not find a spot there.

Look, hun! Modest style can expose your inner elegance. You do not need to show skin to feel pretty.

I know these words might be harsh, but I need you to hear this – if you intentionally reveal yourself too much, the wisest, most charming and fantastic man can walk by, but he will look away. This kind of attire attract usually bad guys. Or middle guys, but hey, you deserve the prince charming!

Modesty attracts the men of high value. I know something about it 😉

Does It Depend On a Body Type?

Well, I’ve heard young ladies becoming offended because somebody told them nicely that they are dressed up too vulgarly.

The attire might look completely different on two women, that’s true.

But if a skirt is too short, it does not really matter if the lady wearing it has a pumped butt or not really. Yes, we know which one will attract more glances, yet the attitude of heart matter more than what kind of body you have.

The key is to stop blaming the gift from God which is our body for our aware actions.

It happens that a woman wear not too modest attire completely unaware. Example from my life – I had a dress that was showing off my panties and I had no idea till somebody told me!

But if you know that hm, you look like a lady from non-Christian rapped music video and yet you decide to go out in it, be aware of the message you’re sending to others.

I do not mean to be too stern with women. I only want us, beautiful creations of God, love him and ourselves. Because…

Modesty Is Loving Yourself And Loving God

Yes, exactly! Wearing modest clothes shows that you respect your body and your soul.

So, opposite to the world, let’s stay classy ladies! And sexy, definitely not modest clothes? Leave them for the bedroom 😉

Love, Marysia

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