Love Languages Quality Time – How to Spend It

Quality time is a confusing term – it sounds deep and mysterious so it seems too much to explore the subject. Yet if for your spouse among 5 love languages quality time is the most important one you should invest some time in getting to know what it is about.

Some people feel loved when hugged, some feel loved when complimented, but others want you to give them your precious gift – time.

Sure, you can sit next to each other watching a movie, and spend hours with each other and… not have any quality time.

So let’s dive into this subject so once and for all we get this concept of love languages quality time.

What Is Quality Time?

Quality time does not necessarily mean going around the world on rollers, fighting with alligators together, and finishing the trip up with dinner at a caviar-serving restaurant.

Because quality time does not need to be filled with emotions – it has to be filled with attention.

So yes, you can show your spouse love just by sitting on your couch. Without phones. Without any other distraction. Talking about deep things.

Your spouse feels the most loved when you reserve the time just for them. The place does not matter that much that the fact that you decide to be fully focused on them and truly interested in what they are saying.

Love Languages Quality Time – Where to Start

If you are a busy person, the whole idea of putting everything aside just to be with your spouse seems crazy. Plus, you may not have done it for a while so you do not even know what on earth you can talk about.

Besides dirty diapers and financial issues, of course.

But no worries! At the end of the article, you can find a list of creative questions and games that can make performing quality time rituals way easier.

But for now, let me present you a few ideas for showing love to your spouse through quality time:

  1. The romantic walk – taking your spouse out from home to kind of separate yourself from daily problems can be a good idea. Even if you do not talk at first, you can just walk side by side and look around. That’s something already!
  2. 15-minute catch-up talk – quality time lovers love the routine when it comes to small chunks of quality time. So other than spending a lot of time with them once in a while, make sure to pay full attention to them for at least 15 minutes (I recommend 16 even) after you come back from work. Catch up, talk about your day, share struggles and excitements – make it a habit.
  3. Face-to-face talk – you can do it over dinner, coffee, or a good tea – talk facing each other. That works miracles and changes casual meals into sessions of quality time.
love languages quality time spent by a couple - hugging on a walk with a dog

Love Languages Quality Time – The Next Level

After you make small sessions of quality time a habit, you are ready for a bigger game. This way you will not only fill your spouse’s love tank every day but also make it spill once in a while.

But remember – it is not about spending a bunch of money, it’s about being creative. Quality time lovers cherish unique memories more than gifts.

So here are a few ideas for nice quality time sessions with your loved one that will warm their heart.

Quality Time Ideas:

  1. Take them out to eat at the place they always wanted. It will show them you not only listened to them expressing their dreams but also took the time to reserve the table and organize the evening. It does not have to be a fancy place – face-to-face talk over a burger is a lovely experience too!
  2. Weekend trip – if you offer your spouse for whom among love languages quality time is the most important a two-day trip – they’ll be in heaven. Get rid of distractions, and just be with each other for a weekend. It can be a campfire trip just as well as visiting a cute village nearby. You know your spouse best!
  3. Adventurous type – make unique memories with your spouse by surprising them with an original place to spend quality time. Theme park? Sure! Museum? Perfect! A dance studio? Why not? Pick something unique and spend cute, memorable quality time.
  4. Togetherness – dive into a project that you will be working on together. It can be gardening, cleaning the whole house, learning a new language… if you lack ideas, I have plenty for you here.
  5. Working on your marriage – there is nothing more fulfilling than working on your marriage with awareness and determination. Read books on marriage together, go on dates to talk about your relationship, and ask questions on how you can improve.

Games for Your Date Nights

If you want to transform a casual date at home into quality time, I have a few games and accessories that can help you out. This way you will make things between you two more exciting and you won’t be stressed over “Hm, what can we do together?”.

  • Love Languages game for couples – not only you will get to know each other better but also figure out how to fill each other’s love tanks!
  • 400 conversation starters – I guarantee you, these cards will bring your conversation to the next level!
  • Scratch off Date Night Ideas – perfect for surprise lovers and worth getting just for the satisfaction of scratching the mysterious idea off.
  • Painting Kit for Two – if your spouse likes being creative, you can get creative together, have fun, and spend some quality time.
  • Cooking together – there is nothing more romantic than that. Add a deep conversation to a cooking session and voila – you are spending some quality time.

Deep Questions for Your Date Nights

The right question can start a deep conversation – that’s why I have a whole list of them for you. Don’t forget to bookmark this page to come back to it on your date night!

  1. What is your secret dream?
  2. When do you feel supported?
  3. What is your deepest fear?
  4. If you could spend a day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
  5. What are your top three memories of our marriage?
  6. What was the most significant lesson you’ve learned in our marriage?
  7. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  8. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be?
  9. What advice would you give your younger self?
  10. If you could magically gain one skill, what would you choose and how would you use it?
  11. What is your biggest regret?
  12. If you could go back in time, to which century would you travel and why?
  13. What would you like to change/improve in our marriage?
  14. If you could create your utopian society, how would it function?
  15. What is your biggest struggle right now?
  16. What was the worst nightmare you ever had?
  17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  18. If you could live in a fictional universe from a book or movie, which one would you pick?
  19. What do you like the most about our marriage?
  20. Who do you look up to?
couple sitting in a car with a dog on their lap

Love Languages Quality Time Questions

These questions will help you understand your spouse’s needs better and improve your marriage:

  1. When do you feel the most loved?
  2. When do you feel the least loved?
  3. What would you like me to do more often?
  4. What would you like me to do less often?
  5. When was the last time I did something g that warmed your heart?
  6. When you struggle with something, how would you like me to support you?
  7. What form of quality time is the most meaningful to you?
  8. Did your family or friends shape your view on love?
  9. Are there any rituals that you cherish in our marriage?
  10. What traditions would you like to start in our relationship?
  11. Do you have any unmet needs or desires?
  12. On a scale from 1 to 10 how satisfied with the communication between you are and why?
  13. What could we do to improve it?
  14. Is there a place you particularly enjoy spending time with me?
  15. Is there an experience that you recall that was a great expression using love languages quality time?
  16. What would our perfect week look like for you?
  17. Do you feel more secure when we plan quality time or do you prefer having it spontaneously?
  18. What do you like or don’t like about exploring new places together?
  19. Do you enjoy spending time in creative ways? Why or why not?
  20. What feels so special about quality time spent with me?

Spread the Love!

It might not be easy to fully comprehend why among love languages quality time can be the most important for somebody. And it is even harder to implement it in our busy lives.

Yet, it is so important to speak love to your spouse the way they understand it. This way you can see your relationship thrive.

So which way of spending quality time are you going to try this week?

Love, Marysia

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