You are newlyweds fighting all the time?

Hey there, lovebirds! So, you’ve tied the knot, thrown a killer wedding party, and now reality hits—you’re the newlyweds fighting all the time – even more than you did during the entire wedding planning. Welcome to the Marriage Battle Royale, where every disagreement is a chance to level up your relationship game.

Round 1: The Toothpaste Tango

Picture this: You wake up to find the toothpaste cap missing. Panic sets in. Did your spouse swallow it whole? Fear not, it’s just the Toothpaste Tango! Instead of launching into a full-scale investigation, try a toothpaste-sharing ceremony. If that doesn’t work, invest in separate toothpaste tubes. Crisis averted.

Round 2: The Sock Situation

His socks are everywhere, and you’re absolutely done with finding them in the weirdest places. Enter the Sock Situation! Create a sock puppet theater and make a game out of picking up the rogue socks. Whoever finds the most gets a reward. It’s a win-win, and your floor will thank you.

Round 3: The Toilet Paper Tussle

Over or under? It’s the age-old debate. Instead of engaging in an absurd toilet paper war, compromise! Rotate the roll weekly or, for an extra dash of excitement, challenge each other to a one-handed tear-off. Just remember, it’s all in good fun, and the real victory is not running out of toiler paper.

Round 4: The Netflix Noodle

Choosing what to watch can be a marital minefield. Avoid the Netflix Noodle by creating themed movie nights. Superhero Sunday? Rom-Com Wednesday? Horror Friday? Take turns picking, and you’ll both be on the edge of your seats (or cuddled up) in no time.

Round 5: The Duvet Duel

Newlyweds fighting about the bedsheets? Yup, that’s possible! He’s a blanket hog, and you’re freezing. It’s time for the Duvet Duel! Invest in separate blankets for each side of the bed, turning bedtime into a cozy battleground. Plus, you’ll sleep more soundly without midnight wrestling matches.

Round 6: The Kitchen Conundrum

Cooking together sounds romantic until someone’s parsley-chopping technique becomes annoying. Enter the Kitchen Conundrum! Embrace the chaos and have a dance-off while waiting for the pasta to boil. Cooking disasters are just another chance to order pizza.

Round 7: The In-Law Battle

They mean well, but sometimes your in-laws can be a bit much. Instead of getting caught in the In-Law Interference, establish boundaries together. Plan “us-time” and “family-time” so everyone gets the attention they crave without feeling overwhelmed.

Round 8: The Budget Brawl

Money matters can be a breeding ground for arguments. Dodge the Budget Brawl by creating a joint budget that reflects both your priorities. Set aside a “fun fund” for guilt-free pleasures, and remember, financial teamwork makes the dream work.

Round 9: The Weekend Warzone

Newlyweds fighting about how to spend the weekend – so common. Balancing social plans and downtime can lead to the Weekend Warzone. Take turns planning weekends so each of you gets a mix of socializing and relaxation. Communicate your needs, and remember, compromise is the secret sauce to a harmonious weekend.

Round 10: The Laundry Lament

Who knew dirty laundry could stir up so much drama? Instead of letting the Laundry Lament build up, make laundry day a team sport. Put on some music, toss the clothes, and dance your way to a cleaner, happier home.

Congratulations! You’ve navigated the Marriage Battle Royale and come out stronger on the other side. Remember, every disagreement is a chance to learn more about each other and grow together. So, suit up, love warriors, and may your marriage be filled with laughter, compromise and endless joy!

Which round of the Battle was most challenging for you?

Love, Marysia

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