List of marriage firsts – the to-do-list you totally need

First night, first argument, first money spent of silly things – there are many unique experiences that happen for the first time in marriage before they repeat. So, you probably wonder what is on this list of marriage firsts.

Today, I will not only inspire you with the firsts that you probably haven’t checked yet, but also give you a funny list of marriage firsts – just print it and explore new experiences together! Let’s dive right in!

Obvious but oh so lovely list of marriage firsts

  • first night – and please, do not worry if you got married some time ago and you are still in the stage of trying – it is more common than you think. Be patient – you will check this one from the list soon enough.
  • first argument – whether it is about in-laws, money or dirty socks, it does hurt a lot. But it’s normal and needed so if you already checked that one, it’s great.
  • first shock – you are shocked how he can sleep so much, how many dirty dishes can pile up in 16 minutes or that he does not let you have a puppy – the shock always comes and it is normal so check it from the list.
  • first furniture change – you got a proper bed, exchanged the desk or painted the walls in the bathroom together – this was so exciting, wasn’t it?

Sweet list of marriage firsts that you should definitely try:

  • first romantic weekend trip – oh it’s so lovely to go somewhere and focus on each other. It does not have to be far or expensive, do not worry
  • project together – renovating the couch, daily devotionals or attending the gym together, pick anything that can potentially bond you two!
  • first tradition – movie nights, cute coffee dates or praying before falling asleep together – the sooner you root the traditions, the more stable they will be in the future
  • bigger responsibility – it does not have to be a puppy just yet, but hey, puppies are so cute, look at ours 🙂
  • seating in the church as a married couple – oh my, it was so sweet when I could go to the church and seat next to my crush that was already my HUSBAND! I was so proud, I wanted everybody to see that we are married, that’s why I was putting my left hand into weirder and weirder positions for my wedding ring to be exposed.

Creative list of marriage firsts!

Now, this will be fun! For sure you haven’t done half of the positions from this list of marriage firsts. Below you will find a printable checklist in case you would like to try them with your hubby.

I highly recommend it! It’s fun! And believe me, sex and great communication are important in marriage. But there is something even more powerful. I know Marysia! You mean Jesus! Well, that’s truth. Jesus. And after Jesus comes laugh!

1. The Epic Toothpaste Battle

Discover the joy of accidentally squeezing toothpaste in synchro resulting in a messy foam war in your bathroom. Who knew dental hygiene could be this exciting? 😉

2. The Midnight Snack Safari

Compete on a a quest for snacks in the middle of the night, only to end up creating a culinary masterpiece out of mismatched ingredients. Forget the gourmet – it’s all about the adventure in the kitchen!

3. The DIY Furniture Olympics

Assemble your first piece of furniture together and… enjoy the chaos and screws everywhere. Bonus points for creative use of leftover parts! IKEA, get ready for us!

4. The Great Remote Control Duel

Welcome to the battle arena of TV preferences. Negotiate, compromise, and maybe, just maybe, find a show you both can agree on. May the best remote holder (is that the right word even 😂) win!

5. The Dance Floor Disaster

Attempt to recreate your wedding dance, only to discover that your living room is not as spacious as the wedding venue. Watch out for the lamp!

6. The Pillow Fort Resurrection

Bring back the pillow fort from the first night and turn it into a fort-building competition. Who can build the most elevated, cozy fortress?

7. The Laundry Day Tango

Navigate the confusing world of laundry symbols together. Bonus points if you manage to decode them without accidentally turning your whites pink.

8. The Great Grocery Shopping Challenge

Try to stick to a budget while grocery shopping together. Spoiler alert: It’s harder than it looks, and the snack aisle is a dangerous place.

9. The DIY Home Spa

Attempt a couple’s spa day at home with DIY face masks and bubble baths. Just be prepared for some unexpected spa mishaps and giggles.

10. The Gardening Gambit

Plant your first garden together, discovering the joys of soil, seeds, and maybe a few surprise visitors (hello, neighborhood squirrels!).

11. The Movie Marathon Madness

Dive into a movie marathon featuring each other’s favorite films. Prepare for passionate debates about the superiority of action over romance, or vice versa.

Ps. Do not worry, everybody knows that Pride and Prejudice always wins over Avengers.

12. The Tech Troubles Tango

Attempt to set up a smart home device together. Warning: This may lead to unintentional voice-command chaos and a newfound appreciation for analog switches.

Yup, this one would lead me and my husband to argument for sure.

13. The DIY Art Gallery Opening

Channel your inner artists and create a DIY art gallery featuring your masterpieces. Spoiler alert: Not every piece will make it to the gallery opening.

14. The Surprise Date Night Roulette

Take turns planning surprise date nights for each other without revealing the details. It could be a themed dinner, a movie marathon, or an indoor picnic. The element of surprise adds an extra layer of fun.

15. The DIY Fashion Show

Raid each other’s closets and create outrageous, mismatched outfits for a hilarious DIY fashion show. Strike poses as you showcase your unique styles 🙂

Ha, I bet you did not check some of these creative things from list of marriage firsts. But now you have a chance to try them using the check list below. Good luck! Let me know which one will you try first!

Love, Marysia

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