Questions to Ask Your Husband to Be a Better Wife

If you’ve been a wife for a while (or even if you are in the newlyweds stage) then you probably want to improve and become the best version of yourself for your partner. That’s when these questions to ask your husband to be a better wife come in handy.

We work hard to be better workers, cooks, and friends and we often forget to work on improving as wives. Happy wife happy life they say.

But let me tell you, this saying goes both ways!

Questions To Ask Your Husband

Sometimes the best way to know where we can improve as wives is to simply… ask.

Your husband sees you from a different perspective. So he can point out things that maybe you have not noticed so far.

Of course, this can go both ways and you can help him grow as a husband.

But in this article, I will provide you with questions to ask your husband to become a better wife.

1. If You Could Change One Thing About Our Marriage, What Would That Be?

It seems like a genie from the bottle question, yet it can certainly help you sense which sphere of your relationship could use an upgrade.

Maybe he wants to spend more time with you, be more intimate, or for you to cook more meat. 🙂 Whatever it is, be ready to take it graciously and instead of treating it as a critique, think of it as an opportunity to grow.

Such a question honors your husband and lets him know he has something to say about your relationship that for sure will be considered.

Whether you decide to work on intimacy, communication skills or even cooking, it will be worth it.

Your husband will see that you value his opinion and take action.

questions to ask your husband to e a better wife - husband and wife sitting on the date and looking at each other

2. What Should I Prioritize at Home?

The truth is we want to be as helpful as possible and sometimes jumping between tasks can be exhausting.

Ladies, let’s admit it once and for all. It is impossible to always do everything perfectly and joyfully.

Sometimes your home is a mess, dinner is not ready or you were so tired the only thing you did was binge-watch Friends.

I do have these days too! Okay, I always choose Bridgertons over Friends (did I just start the battle of the century?), but the scenario is pretty much the same. Do I feel guilty that my husband comes back to the dirty house and I did not plan anything for him to eat?

Sometimes, yes. So whenever I have a lazy day, I ask myself one question. What 3 things do I need to do for me not to feel like I wasted this day?

And now I could ask my husband, what is crucial for him.

The majority of husbands much rather have a happy wife than a tired and irritated one and sometimes it requires putting some chores aside.

But look how much easier and less guilty it will feel if he emphasizes what means the most to him. Washed dishes? Clean table? A warm meal?

One task a day keeps laziness away.

3. What Can I Do to Be a Better Wife?

Simple, but so powerful. Some men out of respect for you won’t tell you what you could do better, but when asked, will open up.

It is important not to become defensive. If he says “I wish you would dress up for me once in a while”, do not get offended and claim “You’re supposed to love me no matter how I look!”.

You might have a valid point, but since you are asking this question, you want to become a better partner for him.

Look, if both of you can tell what can be better in your relationship, why won’t start working on it? Each of you has their part to do.

Men feel respected when you ask them such a question.

Do not worry, he loves you, he is probably obsessed with you, so pointing one or two things out does not mean you are a bad wife. I would say the opposite – your willingness to improve already proves that you are a truly good one!

wife cutting the cake

4. What Would You Like Me to Do More Often?

Maybe he likes to be welcomed home a certain way or he adores your chocolate tart. You might have no idea that he loves when you do something if you don’t ask.

All of us give and receive love in different ways so being aware of what makes your husband on a cloud nine is a good thing to know.

Filling each other’s love tanks can be hard – but it gets easier when it is clear what makes your spouse feel the most loved.

I’m sure you remember well this romantic date that he took you on once or when he cooked for you on your Birthday. You wish he did that more often, don’t you?

Exactly, your husband also loved some things you did, and repeating them would be a huge blessing for him.

5. What Makes You Feel Disrespected?

Respect is crucial for men. I realised it only after I read a book on this subject which I truly recommend. You will learn a bunch of useful things and if your husband reads it with you, then he might surprise you as well.

“Love and respect” not only describes the concept of love and respect in detail but also gives practical tasks at the need of each chapter that can be used straight away.

You might not even be aware but some gestures or words can make your husband feel disrespected. You might roll your eyes, sigh, or show contempt which can make him feel hurt.

If he notices something like that and he tells you then it keeps you accountable and helps you work on this.

This one of the questions to ask your husband is formed the right way because it does not say “What do I do…”, but “What makes YOU feel…” – this allows you as well to practice using “I” statement.

girl in a red suit, next to her a guy in a blue suit, married couple

6. How Can I Help You Today?

It is such a polite question that we usually ask in the workspace, but in a sense, our spouse is our coworker too. You are creating a team together!

This is one of the kindest of the questions to ask your husband. It shows great empathy and care.

Husbands need their wives, even if it is hard for them to admit sometimes. He might need a hug, a talk, help with handling finances, or a company to play Xbox with.

Serving each other requires answering for somebody’s needs. And the easiest way to discover these needs is by simply asking.

Keep Up the Good Work!

These questions to ask your husband to become a better wife are useful and they open the door to improvement.

The fact that you clicked this article means that you WANT TO improve and this is the first step to success.

I know your husband will be thrilled when you ask him these questions. And you know what I am sure of even more?

Your husband is so blessed to have you!

Which of the questions are you going to ask your husband first? 🙂

Love, Marysia

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